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Trays and Nests

The trays and nests are ideal to be used in the logostics of delicate pieces of different sizes. We develop customized projects, offering a complete packaging solution to our customers.

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They can be disassembled or fixed in boxes (corrugated or injected ones), providing structure and greater internal protection, avoiding damage and breakdowns in the logistical process.


In addition, we have exclusive technologies in accessories to meet the different market requirements, such as foams, TNT coating, EVA parts, Nylon, among others


  • Better use of internal spaces

  • Optimization of freight cost and greater transport safety

  • Durability far superior to cardboard boxes

  • It does not absorb moisture or generate powder

  • 100% reusable and recyclable 

  • Light and resistant

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Cartonale Ind. e Benef. de Materiais Plásticos Ltda
Buri, 05 Av. – Colina Maria Luiza – Jordanesia
07787-300 – Cajamar – SP

© 2022 by Interação


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Cartonale Ind. e Benef. de Materiais Plásticos Ltda. |  CNPJ: 04.051.261/0001-91

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